
Knee Pain

The knee joint is incredibly sturdy and complex but is the second most injured structure in your body after the spine. Knee pain conditions and traumas caused by accidents are listed below;

ACL & PCL Tear
Baker’s Cyst
Chondromalacia Patella
Iliotibial Band Syndrome
Jumper’s Knee
Knee Arthritis
Lateral Knee Pain
MCL & LCL Sprain & Strain
Meniscal Tear
Osgood-Schlatter Disease
Runner’s Knee

The knee joint is incredibly sturdy and complex but is the second most injured structure in your body after the spine. Knee pain conditions and traumas caused by accidents are listed below;

  • ACL & PCL Tear
  • Baker’s Cyst
  • Chondromalacia Patella
  • Iliotibial Band Syndrome
  • Jumper’s Knee
  • Knee Arthritis
  • Lateral Knee Pain
  • MCL & LCL Sprain & Strain
  • Meniscal Tear
  • Osgood-Schlatter Disease
  • Runner’s Knee

When should I get Physology treatment?

Common Causes of Knee Pain:

Arthritis Knee: Arthritis in the knee joint can cause problems for the bone and also affect the surrounding structures such as the muscle, ligaments, tendons and fascia. Osteoarthritis is caused by the cartilage gradually degenerating in the joint. Rheumatoid arthritis can also cause problems with the cartilage as the joint becomes inflamed. A deformity can cause knee arthritis but commonly being overweight or putting repetitive strain on the joint can cause your knee pain. Active sports people are prone to knee pain, symptoms including; aches, stiffness, locking joints, swelling and locking of the knee.

Knee Cartilage Injuries: A softening of the kneecap cartilage is known as Chondromalacipatellae, which is most common in sports people.

Iliotibial Band Syndrome: The tendon can become inflamed and start to rub over the outer knee bone again mainly due to overuse in sports or work. Knee pain can radiate up the side of the thigh and there can he a heat or burning sensation at the side of the knee.

Ligament Injuries: Strains and sprains can occur in the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) and anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), which cause a lot of pain. Injuries to the cruciate ligaments are referred to as a strain. The ACL can become stretched or even tear due to an impact injury often occurring in football due to a bad tackle. The medial collateral ligaments can become injured when a blow happens to the outer knee and that in-turn stretches the inside of the knee, stretching and tearing the ligaments. When these injuries occur there is often a very loud “pop” which happens before the knee buckles sideways.

Meniscus Injuries: The meniscus can become torn due to quick rotations or twists of the upper leg or repetitive rotations of the knee while bearing right.

Osgood-Schlatter Disease: The patella tendon, which attaches to the tibia and the surrounding soft tissue can become inflamed due to repetitive tension or stress on the upper tibia. This injury is particularly common in young boys who partake in sports, which involve a lot of jumping or running.

Tendon Injuries: Tendon injuries in the knee can be caused by anything from a ruptured or torn tendon or tendonitis. The tendon can become inflamed from overuse and being stretched like a rubber band.

Referred Pain: Referred knee pain can come from so many places such as the hip, nerve compression in the pelvis, lower back and thigh or the muscles and connective tissue surrounding the knee. You could be dysfunctioning biomechanically from the surrounding joints of the pelvis, hips or feet.

When should I get Physology treatment?

Common Causes of Knee Pain:

Arthritis Knee: Arthritis in the knee joint can cause problems for the bone and also affect the surrounding structures such as the muscle, ligaments, tendons and fascia. Osteoarthritis is caused by the cartilage gradually degenerating in the joint. Rheumatoid arthritis can also cause problems with the cartilage as the joint becomes inflamed. A deformity can cause knee arthritis but commonly being overweight or putting repetitive strain on the joint can cause your knee pain. Active sports people are prone to knee pain, symptoms including; aches, stiffness, locking joints, swelling and locking of the knee.

Knee Cartilage Injuries: A softening of the kneecap cartilage is known as Chondromalacipatellae, which is most common in sports people.

Iliotibial Band Syndrome: The tendon can become inflamed and start to rub over the outer knee bone again mainly due to overuse in sports or work. Knee pain can radiate up the side of the thigh and there can he a heat or burning sensation at the side of the knee.

Ligament Injuries: Strains and sprains can occur in the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) and anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), which cause a lot of pain. Injuries to the cruciate ligaments are referred to as a strain. The ACL can become stretched or even tear due to an impact injury often occurring in football due to a bad tackle. The medial collateral ligaments can become injured when a blow happens to the outer knee and that in-turn stretches the inside of the knee, stretching and tearing the ligaments. When these injuries occur there is often a very loud “pop” which happens before the knee buckles sideways.

Meniscus Injuries: The meniscus can become torn due to quick rotations or twists of the upper leg or repetitive rotations of the knee while bearing right.

Osgood-Schlatter Disease: The patella tendon, which attaches to the tibia and the surrounding soft tissue can become inflamed due to repetitive tension or stress on the upper tibia. This injury is particularly common in young boys who partake in sports, which involve a lot of jumping or running.

Tendon Injuries: Tendon injuries in the knee can be caused by anything from a ruptured or torn tendon or tendonitis. The tendon can become inflamed from overuse and being stretched like a rubber band.

Referred Pain: Referred knee pain can come from so many places such as the hip, nerve compression in the pelvis, lower back and thigh or the muscles and connective tissue surrounding the knee. You could be dysfunctioning biomechanically from the surrounding joints of the pelvis, hips or feet.

When should I get Physology treatment?

The knee is a very complex joint, which relies heavily on the muscle, fascia and ligaments for stability. Physology’s process of treating your knee pain is to look at your body as a whole and identify the root cause of your knee pain. This is for various reasons:

Pain can often be referred from other structures in the pelvis, hips and back in to the knee.

Joints in the lower limbs may not be working correctly and they can put increased stress on the knee joint, which can result in injury over time. Therefore to eliminate your knee pain symptoms we may need to address other areas of your body, which are the actual root cause.

The knee is a very complex joint, which relies heavily on the muscle, fascia and ligaments for stability. Physology’s process of treating your knee pain is to look at your body as a whole and identify the root cause of your knee pain. This is for various reasons:

  • Pain can often be referred from other structures in the pelvis, hips and back in to the knee.Joints in the lower limbs may not be working correctly and they can put increased stress on the knee joint, which can result in injury over time. Therefore to eliminate your knee pain symptoms we may need to address other areas of your body, which are the actual root cause.

If you answer yes to any of the below questions, Physology will be able to help you.

  • Is your knee pain limiting your daily or sports activities?
  • Have you been given medication and told to rest with no long lasting improvements?
  • You have been diagnosed with arthritis?
  • Have your scans returned inconclusive?
  • Have you tried other treatments and been unsuccessful gaining long term results?

If you answer yes to any of the below questions, Physology will be able to help you.

Is your knee pain limiting your daily or sports activities?

Have you been given medication and told to rest with no long lasting improvements?

You have been diagnosed with arthritis?

Have your scans returned inconclusive?

Have you tried other treatments and been unsuccessful gaining long term results?


Knee Pain can be successfully treated 100% of the time if you can find the underlying cause, rather than just the symptoms. During your assessment your practitioner will carry out a full body assessment to look at your alignment and function (how your body moves and which muscle it uses to do so).

This form of knee pain assessment not only assesses your knee pain, it also identifies the root cause. For example, the root cause of knee pain may be caused by a mis-alignment or impact elsewhere in the body that causes your body to function incorrectly. Physology treats both the knee pain and the cause to ensure symptoms don’t return.

Your practitioner will explain why your knee pain started in simple terms you understand. You will also be left with your assessment form which will have diagrams and details of your injury which you can refer to at a later date to see the fast results you will achieve with Physology.

After your assessment we can begin treatment which also takes place in your first appointment. At the end of the appointment an outlined treatment plan is discussed which will successfully treat your knee pain symptoms AND eradicate the cause to prevent re-occurrence of your pain. 

Knee Pain can be successfully treated 100% of the time if you can find the underlying cause, rather than just the symptoms. During your assessment your practitioner will carry out a full body assessment to look at your alignment and function (how your body moves and which muscle it uses to do so).

This form of knee pain assessment not only assesses your knee pain, it also identifies the root cause. For example, the root cause of knee pain may be caused by a mis-alignment or impact elsewhere in the body that causes your body to function incorrectly. Physology treats both the knee pain and the cause to ensure symptoms don’t return.

Your practitioner will explain why your knee pain started in simple terms you understand. You will also be left with your assessment form which will have diagrams and details of your injury which you can refer to at a later date to see the fast results you will achieve with Physology.

After your assessment we can begin treatment which also takes place in your first appointment. At the end of the appointment an outlined treatment plan is discussed which will successfully treat your knee pain symptoms AND eradicate the cause to prevent re-occurrence of your pain.

Treatment with Physology

Physology can get you pain free results with our headache & migraine treatment.

We can identify the root cause to your pain and explain in more detail the mechanism of your headache and migraine pain. Your Physology practitioner will create a treatment plan to correct the postural issues and treat all the damaged tissues required to get you pain free.

Treatment with Physology

Physology can get you pain free results with our headache & migraine treatment.

We can identify the root cause to your pain and explain in more detail the mechanism of your headache and migraine pain. Your Physology practitioner will create a treatment plan to correct the postural issues and treat all the damaged tissues required to get you pain free.

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